Latest News, Updates & Insights from the SahlComm Team

What is Narrative and Why is It Important?

Narrative, in its simplest definition, is a story. We all tell bits and pieces of our story every day, from social media posts to telling others how bad traffic was ‘on the way over’ or what our child did that made us laugh… or late! Narrative is also a way of...

How Do You Communicate Nothing?

Are you feeling a little lost, with all the news, from every angle, but not much substance? Having trouble seeing what the future holds when the links don’t even work for the small business loan? Unsure how to plan for the new normal, with no idea what it will be, let...

3 Ways To Keep Organized On The Job

Always feel like you can never find something you need? Constantly sitting in clutter? Trying to get various projects done with a demanding work schedule but can’t seem to get things together? Well here are 3 tips to ensure organization at your job that will make you...