Latest News, Updates & Insights from the SahlComm Team
Does Ancient Art Tell Us Anything About Digital Communication?
The importance of art in a digital media environment. The Egyptian book of the dead depicts Egyptian gods and hieroglyphic symbols that convey beliefs about the afterlife. This conjunction of images and symbolic text was immensely powerful for communication in ancient...
What is Narrative and Why is It Important?
Narrative, in its simplest definition, is a story. We all tell bits and pieces of our story every day, from social media posts to telling others how bad traffic was ‘on the way over’ or what our child did that made us laugh… or late! Narrative is also a way of...
Business… As it Should Be – The Great Covid-19 Reset
Whether your business is large, small, essential, struggling to ‘stay open’ from home or ’hoping to restart when this is over’, there are some realizations that we think most CEOs and business owners should be making as we struggle with the realities of a global...
How Do You Communicate Nothing?
Are you feeling a little lost, with all the news, from every angle, but not much substance? Having trouble seeing what the future holds when the links don’t even work for the small business loan? Unsure how to plan for the new normal, with no idea what it will be, let...
Sharing Your Story to Find Commonality and Community
We’re all doing it already… on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… little snippets of our lives, a great photo or catchy meme. There is more, however, to your story than 140, or even 280, characters, including spaces, can convey. Social media is a great way to engage the...
Authenticity and Storytelling During a Crisis
Storytelling by its own nature conjures up ideas of fantasy and entertainment, but not when it’s paired with authenticity and a mission. When in a crisis, storytelling provides a means for you to engage with your audience and help convey your message or set their...
Prepare, Practice then Speak: Webinar this Friday Join Us
Join us this Friday, March 20, 2020, at 11 am Eastern for the first part of our six-part series on crisis communication. This webinar series is designed to help you, your company, and your staff navigate through communicating during a crisis situation. We look forward...
3 Ways To Keep Organized On The Job
Always feel like you can never find something you need? Constantly sitting in clutter? Trying to get various projects done with a demanding work schedule but can’t seem to get things together? Well here are 3 tips to ensure organization at your job that will make you...
Ways to do your job and have fun at the same time!
Society tells us we have to go to school for 12 years then graduate and go off to college for 4 years. Upon graduating college we have to get a full time job somewhere in some office working 9am-4pm. But why? Why are we limiting ourselves and not taking advantage of...
Communication Key Steps for Taking Your Company Public
If you handle communications and/or public relations for a company that is planning to go public, your work together is about to become pretty intense. Communications by publicly traded companies can be subject to amazingly intense scrutiny. In addition to having to...