Jul 1, 2024 | Communication, Business, General
One of the true tests of a strong client relationship is how you react when they call you. Do you answer enthusiastically and desire to hear what is happening? Or do you cringe and shy away from the phone? How you react speaks volumes and can give you great insight...
Dec 12, 2022 | Business, Communication, General, How To, Tips
By: Kim I Plyler Flexibility, grit and adapting are essential for success in today’s business world. To stay ahead of the competition, your business model must be agile enough to adjust quickly to changing market conditions. You need flexibility, grit and...
Apr 20, 2020 | Business, Communication, Crisis Communication, General, News
We’re all doing it already… on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… little snippets of our lives, a great photo or catchy meme. There is more, however, to your story than 140, or even 280, characters, including spaces, can convey. Social media is a great way to engage the...
Mar 20, 2020 | Business, Communication, Crisis Communication, General
Storytelling by its own nature conjures up ideas of fantasy and entertainment, but not when it’s paired with authenticity and a mission. When in a crisis, storytelling provides a means for you to engage with your audience and help convey your message or set their...
Mar 19, 2020 | Business, Communication, Crisis Communication, General, PR, Tricks & Tools
Join us this Friday, March 20, 2020, at 11 am Eastern for the first part of our six-part series on crisis communication. This webinar series is designed to help you, your company, and your staff navigate through communicating during a crisis situation. We look forward...
Jul 11, 2017 | General, How To, Tricks & Tools
Always feel like you can never find something you need? Constantly sitting in clutter? Trying to get various projects done with a demanding work schedule but can’t seem to get things together? Well here are 3 tips to ensure organization at your job that will make you...