How Your Words Can Save You from Entering the Courtroom

As crisis communication experts, we understand the importance of using language that resonates with stakeholders in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing media landscape. In times of crisis, the words we choose can make or break our reputation, and it is crucial...

Old School Media Outreach, OR NOT?

   One of the most important tools you need in today’s world of a communications professional is an updated media list (or multiple) that specifically target those key journalists you want to have a direct dialog with.  As the communications landscape has changed over...

What is Narrative and Why is It Important?

Narrative, in its simplest definition, is a story. We all tell bits and pieces of our story every day, from social media posts to telling others how bad traffic was ‘on the way over’ or what our child did that made us laugh… or late! Narrative is also a way of...