Dec 13, 2013 | Communication, General, PR Info and Resources
In an age of online posting and pushing — and competing with an innumerable amount of other online publishers — press conferences provide the value of a “physical post:” draw the newsmakers to your event or announcement, and let the variety of posts flow from there....
Dec 5, 2013 | General, News, PR Info and Resources
Secretary of State Jason Gant announces a solution to address a national problem that servicemen and women overseas experience in casting a ballot. South Dakota Secretary of State Jason Gant announces a solution to address a national problem that servicemen and women...
Nov 6, 2013 | General, PR Info and Resources
We celebrate our 4th anniversary this month — that’s four action-packed orbits around the sun! In fact, we pass this milestone on November 9th, but we are celebrating all month. In honor of this milestone event, our CEO is sharing her “Top Four Lessons Learned.” 1....
Oct 29, 2013 | Communication, General
Social media is ever-changing – and rapidly. As businessmen and women, we are advised to keep up with the latest trends in social media, or run the risk of becoming irrelevant. So in this environment of perpetual change, are there any basics we can adhere to...