Apr 6, 2016 | Business, Tips, Tricks & Tools
Guest blog post by: Judy Bradt of Summit Insight Summit Insight’s team works with federal agency web sites every day. We constantly find new stuff, from overhauled portals and agency reorganizations to entirely new market intelligence resources (my favorite)! I love...
Mar 29, 2016 | Business, General, Tips, Tricks & Tools
How do you know it is time to check in with a Corporate Cyber Security Doctor? With all the cyber security threats facing corporations today, you would think making cyber security a c-level/board room discussion would be as important as ensuring your doctor visits...
Nov 17, 2014 | General, Tips, Tricks & Tools
Being a working parent can be tough. We feel guilty when we don’t spend enough time with our children and guilty when we do spend time with them and not enough on work. We feel guilty when we cancel plans in our social life to concentrate on our children and work....
Jun 6, 2014 | Business, Communication, Tips, Tricks & Tools
All entities, whether people or businesses, want to have their message heard. In order to connect with an audience, sometimes a company or individual will employ buzzwords; you know, those catchphrases that are thrown around like confetti at a parade. Colorful and...
May 29, 2014 | Tips, Tricks & Tools
Work and stress go hand in hand. With the warp-speed pace of business today, comes an increased amount of stress. Managing this stress has become an important topic for business managers to address. Work stress can be bad not just for your health, but if you are...
May 20, 2014 | Business, How To, Tips, Tricks & Tools
How many times have you had an object slip through your fingers, only to catch it mid-fall? What about catching a ball that was unexpectedly flying through the air toward your head? In these instances your body’s reflexes took over and reacted before your brain had...