Sep 17, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Info and Resources
Nothing is 100% off the record. Once notes are made, editors, publishers and yes even lawyers can look at them. This goes for all appearances, not just interviews. Whatever you say — anywhere — can follow you around endlessly and perhaps disastrously. If you don’t...
Sep 13, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Info and Resources
Just because you’re immersed in some subject every day doesn’t mean you can spontaneously pull on the right threads to weave a public performance. The fundamentals always come down to preparation. Whether you work with a professional coach or prefer to go it alone,...
Sep 12, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Info and Resources
Media training is a ‘must do’ professional development program for any serious leader or manager. Media interview training provides you with the skills to effectively deal with the media. Media relations training, with a specific focus on media presentation training...
Sep 10, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Info and Resources
Staff meetings. Project presentations. Company events. Industry conferences. Community gatherings. Training sessions. The list of places to tell stories is as endless as your imagination. Do you need to be a great storyteller to effectively use stories? Absolutely...
Sep 10, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Events, PR Info and Resources
Check out these sites to learn about incorprating social media into your PR campaigns. New Media Release Group – A Google group started to discuss the new media release format with participants ranging from independent PR consultants to PR Newswire and Market Wire....
Sep 9, 2010 | Communication, General, How To, PR Info and Resources
Story telling is often missed when companies focus on their PR plans. But the critical component is the cornerstone to any successful company or campaign. In a world that is obsessed with traditional press releases and predictable promotions the ancient art form of...