Latest News, Updates & Insights from the SahlComm Team

How Emotional Intelligence Can Help You at Work

Daily business can be like a rollercoaster. Filled with its ups and downs, leaving you to wonder, “What the heck is going on?” This, to some, is just a typical day at the office. However, different personalities handle stress differently. Although people react to...

Five Things You Need to Make an Idea a Reality

Not everyone can take a vision and create a reality. How many times have you heard, “If it was easy everyone would be doing it?” That’s a fact. As SahlComm is poised to turn five and step into a whole new country of business, we wanted to share the top five things we...

Advice For A New Era on Starting or Changing Your Career

We all know that it’s difficult, especially in this economy, to find a career that suits you. I’ve gained insight into what really works, and whether you’re starting or changing your career, these are some things to keep in mind as you take your journey. 1. College:...

Top 5 Criteria When Shopping for a Communication Strategist

Sometimes clients don’t fully understand, make full use of or give credit to the value added by communications professionals. Yet, these individuals work under intense time or performance pressure, a reason why their positions are ranked as among the most stressful...

Top 4 Ways to Face Business Change as the Seasons Change

As fall approaches, it reminds us that as the weather changes with the seasons, so can your business. Most business are cyclical and those cycles are unique to each business. leafBut surely as the seasons change your business does too. Change is constant and rapid in...