Guest blog post by: Judy Bradt of Summit Insight
Summit Insight’s team works with federal agency web sites every day. We constantly find new stuff, from overhauled portals and agency reorganizations to entirely new market intelligence resources (my favorite)! I love to share the top changes with you as soon as we discover them, and show you why they’re useful right away.
The news: the Department of Veterans Affairs has reorganized its Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISNs).
Here’s why it matters:
- The Department of Veterans Affairs is a big agency with a large budget. You need to know how your buyers are organized.
- Show you care about their world: ask them how the changes affected them and their work. Did it make things easier or harder for them? Pain means opportunity.
- The handy VISN map page can be hard to find! HERE’S THE LINK TO THE NEW ONE (link is external). Bookmark it, and click on links in regions where you’re marketing.
- You might need to restructure your plans accordingly if you market to buyers in Medical Centers and facilities managed by the Veterans Health Administration.
- If you work with small business specialists in marketing to Veterans Health Administration, your regional point of contact may have changed.
Here’s what hasn’t changed: Medical centers and clinics have tremendous local buying authority. You’ve got to get to know them one at at time. Their web sites are full of the contacts you need to meet.
That can be an overwhelming process. Focus or go broke trying.
So, don’t go broke. Want some ideas for focus? Let’s talk soon. You could be on your way faster than you think.
See live post here.