A rather debatable topic was brought to the attention of SahlComm: the creative conflict between marketers and designers. Marketers are more analytical and knowledgeable of the statistics that can be used in an effective campaign. Designers are skilled in the creative, aesthetic approach. These differences may create tension between the two creative minds when working to achieve the same goal of delivering the message and creating an impression to potential consumers.
Although marketers and designers may have their differences, they have their similarities as well. The ultimate goal of a marketing campaign is to reach the target market. Both the marketer and designer equally create campaigns. The two parties may have their own opinions about the final product, but the client defines the tone of the message itself. Marketers and designers base campaign decisions and deliverables on the preferences of the client, not only to express the client‘s purpose, but also to guarantee audiences understand campaigns. Another similarity is the expression of curiosity. Both contributors make an effort to learn more about the targeted market. Knowing a wealth of information pertaining to the market can make for a more effective campaign.
The differences of marketers and designers should come to no surprise. Designers want the marketing campaign to be successful, but also want the personal satisfaction of producing an artistic piece of art. Marketers are measurement-oriented, meaning they want to know every detail of how a campaign ranked amongst others or how influential of an impression the campaign has left on a consumer. Marketers knowing these statistics, can make for a more successful campaign, but may not be “art-worthy” to the designers. Designers can use their art insights to create an effective campaign based on the marketers’ data.
In order to solve this conflict, a number of routes can be taken. Understand the similarities and differences of the marketers’ and designers’ roles. Go back to where it all began; some institutions may not offer the option to be enrolled in both marketing and graphic design programs (if the programs are already not combined), but being educated in both subjects, especially if this is a possible career choice, is highly suggested. It is important for marketers to understand the basic concepts in order to have an understanding of what the outcome should reflect. It is also important for designers to make compromises with the marketers as to what would be more influential in a specific target market.
Ultimately, a key aspect to avoiding conflict is respect. Both marketers and designers take pride in the knowledge of their trade, but knowing one’s boundaries and respecting their inputs is a must. Being all-around knowledgeable and respecting others are key factors that can reduce possible conflicts in the future.
Inspired by: www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2012/8712/how-marketers-and-designers-can-work-together-more-efficiently