by Jade Cortez

SahlComm’s updated look has brought to light the topic of rebranding. In order to have an impacting revamp, employees of the company should have an understanding of the intended vision.

Before revealing the new look to the public, selling the idea to the people inside the company should be considered the first step. Generally, fellow colleagues are going to be more honest and open to input. This results in determining whether the rebrand would be effective.

A brand consulting firm has finalized six steps to prepare a company for a rebrand; externally and internally:

1. Work Your Way From the Top – Getting the head management on board from the beginning ensures the attractiveness of a rebrand. If management is not into the general feeling of the “new and improved” image, the remainder of employees will not be as inclined to support. The main point of step one; making sure all levels of management have an understanding of what the new image will be, how the new look will effect customers, and why a rebrand matters.

2. Involve Human Resource – If a company houses a human resource department, enlisting them would be the best way to communicate with employees. HR teams will be able to use their expertise in order to incorporate employees in a rebrand launch. Involving other employees to the rebrand plan can make for more hype about the company’s new image. Also, the more feedback, internally, the better.

3. Keep the Energy Flowing – A rebrand takes time and countless revisions. Rather than conducting a meeting where the vision of the rebrand is stated, installing a fun and engaging way to involve employees is the way to go. Make a plan to encourage and show employees that the rebrand is beneficial for the company. Taking this route will make for a more effective rebrand and personalized one as well.

Although this cheerleader may have initially created the rebrand idea, receiving help to craft three or four main messages to communicate is essential. These main message should be quickly observed and easy-to-remember. Keeping the main messages “short and sweet” will be easier to communicate throughout the company and when being used to communicate to customers.

4. Keep the Creator in the Spotlight – The person who administered the rebrand, most of the time the CEO, must remain the cheerleader for the duration of the rebrand.

5. Collaboration with the Sales Team – Involving the sales team can identify what customer’s find attractive and what industry trends can help shape a beneficial rebrand. Having a solid message can make for a more impacting rebrand. Allowing the sales team to input can create an image for the company with more impact.

6. Monitoring the Process – Monitoring, measuring, and tracking employees’ involvement in the rebrand process can determine how exciting and impacting the rebrand is. If involvement is low, the proper adjustments can be made. Using basic research, employee feedback, and then adjusting effectively, is key; but repeating this process a number of times makes for efficiency.

No matter what the rebrand is for, the success of it will depend greatly on the company. It’ll depend on how well the internal company understands what the new image should represent and embody.

For more regarding rebranding read: