From L-R: Jade Cortez, Briana Surber, Katherine De Menno, H.P. Hirts, Kim Plyler, Beth Barry, and Meg Storm (not present: T.J. Ervin)

As 2013 closes and 2014 opens, we at SahlComm reflect on what we’re most thankful for this year, from career opportunities to personal treasures.


I’m grateful for our staff at SahlComm, for our partners and clients. This year was a tipping point for SahlComm and I’m continuously amazed and grateful for our staff and their great energy and work ethic. Truly a team that was meant to come together. Thank you to everyone and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!


I’m extremely thankful for the opportunities and people in my past year. From career opportunities to personal experiences, and from co-workers to close friends and family, many events and interactions – big and small – have shaped my 2013 and helped build my character. Thank you to all of those people and moments who/that have contributed to this growth, especially to the bright ones!


I am thankful for the many life lessons I learned in 2013, to be healthy going into 2014, and for the opportunity to be moving forward with a company with a strong commitment to its mission and a team that I look forward to working with each day.


I’m thankful for the opportunity to be part of a unique team guided by a sense of community and purpose in an expanding company, built on innovation and a people-first mentality.


I’m thankful for my family: my mother for being my number one fan with everything I set forth to do in life; my sister and brother for being reasons to be a role model for my younger siblings; and my grandparents for helping raise me to become the woman I am today.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!